Saturday, March 15, 2014

Celebrating in Cebu: Danasan, New Years

On our mission, the Self Reliance Center where we work must close on Saturdays and on official government holidays because the building in which we are located is closed.  So we try to use these short holidays to enjoy some of the fun places to see and things to do around Cebu.

On December 30 and 31 we went to Danasan Eco Adventure Park in northern Cebu.  We traveled to and from in up-scale jeepneys – a bench on each side like they all have but this one had real glass windows!  The rule about jeepneys is that there is always room for one more passenger, but we began to sincerely question this before we actually got out of Cebu City! 

!  Sister Evans and I stayed in the cabin named “Mahogany 1”.  

We tried many new things – ATV’s, small zip-line, horseback riding, and trekking to the waterfall.  

All I had ever ridden an ATV was to carefully steer around 4 city blocks so my grandson Dakota could get his ride and his Mom could get a break.  Note the one small gulley included so we could have a thrill.  Believe it or not, I was the first to make it all the way across on the first try!

Horseback riding isn’t new to me, but having an individual guide running alongside to keep the horse moving was.   

 I did enjoy Christopher, my horse, even though he was terribly stubborn and totally ignored any typical American horsemanship cues. 

The mountain-top view at the far end of the circle was spectacular, however. 


The most extreme event was getting us to the trail head to the waterfalls—it took 3 vehicles: 

first, a jeepney,

next, a 4 wheel drive truck,  

                                                                          and, finally, an oversize tractor – 

in order to get through the muddy roads between camp and the trail head!

The trail was beautiful, but slippery . . .  

This is the first waterfall!

The second waterfall was also quite spectacular 
and some people were rappelling down it .

While others were swimming -- the weather was perfect!

The trail to the third waterfall was closed because the rain had made it too slippery and dangerous.

Another way that Danasan stood out from the typical adventure park is that on the hill overlooking the camp was the symbolic “Stations of the Cross” (approximately life-size) 
depicting the final week of our Savior’s life.

New Year’s Day is pretty big here—and they were right, even more fireworks than at Christmas time!  No kidding, I could look all the way around the skyline as far as I could see and there were fireworks everywhere!  And any of the larger displays would rival those back home in Las Vegas, Nevada.

 We also went out with a group of senior missionaries to a fancy buffet in the Quest Hotel in Cebu. 
It was very elegant from the carved-butter fish at the sushi station

watermelon “flowers” at the cook-to-order fish station and individual salad station,and then there was (MY personal favorite)

 The extra fancy little desserts: Complete with Chocolate Fountain!