To finish off on highlights of the tour from the last blog, across the street from the National Heritage Park was the Yap-San Diego House built in 1675 and considered one of the oldest residences still existing in the Philippines. The furnishings are mostly from the original owners and include family portraits, exquisite paintings, lavish table settings on hand-crocheted table cloths, along with family heirloom gods, furniture, dolls, and everyday household items of the era.
Above on the right is the "birthing chair".
Next we went
to the Basilica Minore del Santo Ninyo, a 16th century church built
on the spot where the oldest Christian relic in Cebu was found—the Santo Nino
de Cebu (Holy Child Jesus) —whose spirit is believed to protect the island even
The next thing that happened was we ran into a strange time warp. During the first week of October, we went to the mall. We saw on one side a huge display of Halloween costumes, on the other side a huge display of Christmas trees and Santa Clauses, and in the center (but 4 stories down) was a huge flower show complete with ribbons for winners of different categories! The flower show included the show and sale of many different kinds of flowers, plants, and trees – not just flowers. Those three seasons just don't coincide back home!
Took time
out to get a haircut and it was (like everything else here in the Philippines)
an occasion for much picture taking!
went for a stroll in a small gated community just down from our apartment (or
“up” from us if you are talking economics).
It is very pretty and some of the houses are very nice. Quite a few of them had their own coconut and
banana palms - along with high fences and gorgeous flow
My mom would really like this "front porch"!
Our first Jeepney Ride
Some Interesting Jobs in Cebu
Adverising Specialist
Sign Installation
"Walking Dresser" -- or furniture delivery
Build Your Own Harp from Recycled Materials
And Teach Yourself to Play
Cement Mixer
Soon to be famous basketball player.
Maybe someday the Tabernacle Choir & The Spoken Word;
Today Mabolo Choir & the Spoken Word.